The next person who utters they want to “take back America” I’d like to hit right between the eyes with a nerf bat! What idiots…..take back from whom? Aren’t we all Americans, and besides I don’t want it back it’s already mine, though it has been rather trashed. I want to fix it as we all should. It ain’t over til the fat lady sings; well I think I hear her warming up brothers & sisters! It has been said and sung Freedom isn’t free and it is well time Americans stepped up. It is time for all of us to stop yelling at our TV news at home and get out there. This is where I intend to begin.
My guessed course of action would be to rebuild, retool & rethink our entire future. It is important to know our history (our past) so we can chart our future. We have evolved as a country not always in a good way.
With Taxes, regulations and government interference our American ingenuity has been more than compromised in my estimation. Compromised but not extinguished.
Our founding fathers, if they could see us now, would (as our Auzzie friends say) projectile chunga at what we have evolved into at this time. I hesitate to even mention their names- rather I will say their like certainly isn’t in the public eye today. Duty, Honor, Absolute Profiles in Courage…not gods or “royalty” but flawed men who put their own lives and livelihoods on hold to serve their country and then GO HOME! THEY WENT HOME!!!! I’m sure they thought common sense would rule…. But no we need a new law for term limits on congress and the senate and whatever office people seem to think they need to make a career out of! Today we have what they did not see coming apparently……career politicians. Other countries call that royalty…and having rights to government seats because of familial ties. This country blindly goes along with it as long as they are sated properly. As Julius Caesar said…keep the masses fed and entertained… does that make you feel public? But as the public becomes taken care of they are happy to be less productive. Less productivity equals less income for the government. So the government must look for more money to keep the masses happy (taxes)…and around and around we go….Until the well runs dry…what makes you think it won’t?????? Less productivity also leads to less self respect individually, socially, and culturally. There is no question we are in cultural/social decline in America…Hmmmmmmm? So how do we fix this?
We need to come together as Americans without political party power politics. There is more at stake here than our own needs. It is our future. We know where we have been and where we are now…where the hell are we going? Where do you want to go? Where are you going to take it? What are you individually prepared to do?
Intressannt läsning fast jag fick damma av min engelska först!:-)